When Is An Aussiedoodle Full Grown – Best Guide in 2022

Aussiedoodle Full Grown: Aussiedoodles reach their maximum height in one year but may continue to grow a bit more after that year as they gain girth and weight. You should expect an adult Aussiedoodle in one to two years. To learn more about growing Aussiedoodles, keep reading our article!

Aussiedoodle Full Grown
Aussiedoodle Full Grown

Aussiedoodle Full Grown

Aussiedoodle Full Grown
Aussiedoodle Full Grown

Toy Aussiedoodles reach full growth in seven and a half to 11 months, while Mini and Medium Aussiedoodles reach full growth in 11 to 13 months.

Here’s a look at the Aussie doodle’s growth pattern, what to expect from them from birth to adulthood, and what factors affect their development.

Aussiedoodle growth pattern

Aussiedoodle Full Grown
Aussiedoodle Full Grown

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How Big Are Aussiedoodles? Well, like most dogs, Aussiedoodles grow fastest during the first half of their lives. Rapid growth occurs during a puppy’s first six months.

400;”>Aussiedoodles reach 95% of their body weight at 12 months and are considered fully grown at two years of age when they complete their adolescent stage.

As for their height, their measurements are as follows:

Toy Aussiedoodle: 10 to 12 inches
Miniature Aussiedoodle: 12 to 19 inches
Standard Aussiedoodle: 19 to 24 inches
The best way to find out how big your Aussiedoodle will grow is to take your dog for a DNA test.

In addition to the DNA test, you can use the formulas below to predict growth.

Toy Aussiedoodles

Toy Aussiedoodles reach half their adult weight at three and a half months and adult weight at seven and a half to 11 months.

Use the formula below to estimate the adult weight of a Toy Aussiedoodle:

Adult weight = weight at 15 weeks x 2

Mini And Medium Aussiedoodles

Mini and Medium Aussiedoodles reach half their adult weight at three and a half to five months and adult weight at 11 to 13 months.

Use this formula to estimate their adult weight:

Adult weight = weight at 18 weeks x 2

Standard Aussiedoodles

Standard Aussiedoodles reach half their adult weight at four and a half to six months and their adult weight at 12.5 to 16 months.

Here’s how to calculate the weight of an adult Aussiedoodle:

Adult weight = weight at age 23 weeks × 2
You can also use the following formula to calculate the adult weight for any size Aussiedoodle:

Height = current weight ÷ current age in weeks
Adult weight = height × 52 (number of weeks in a year)
The chart below shows the weight and height range in Aussiedoodles:

Height Weight
Standard Aussiedoodle 20 – 24 inches at the shoulder 35 – 70 pounds
Miniature Aussiedoodle 12 – 20 inches at the shoulder 15 – 35 pounds
Tiny Aussiedoodle 10 – 12 inches at the shoulder 6 – 15 pounds


What To Expect From Birth To Full Grown

Aussiedoodle Full Grown
Aussiedoodle Full Grown

Here is a summary of the exciting journey you can expect from your Aussiedoodle from birth to full adulthood:

Birth in two weeks

At this age, Aussiedoodles are very vulnerable and depend on their mother for food and protection.They also need the warmth they get from mom, but you can also help by providing a warm blanket.

Their little muscles are still too weak to move.

Three weeks to 12 weeks

Aussiedoodles muscles will become more muscular and teeth will begin to develop. They are also fully weaned after 28 to 30 days.

Four months to six months

Your Aussiedoodles will be teething at this stage. A 6 month old male puppy will weigh around 7 pounds for small breeds and about 70 pounds for larger breeds.Female puppies are smaller than male puppies at six months.

Seven months to nine months

Your female Aussiedoodle enters a heat cycle that lasts four to eight weeks. They are fertile at this age but it is not advisable to get them pregnant as they are still puppies although they can become pregnant.

Smaller Aussiedoodles reach their maximum growth at this age.

Ten months to 12 months

Your dog is active and exploring his surroundings. They also get into trouble with their owners because they haven’t learned boundaries. At this age, it is best to start training your Aussiedoodle for proper habits.

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At two years of age, both male and female Aussiedoodles will be full-sized and considered adult dogs with an athletic build and full, curly coat.

The chart below summarizes puppy growth from birth to adulthood in all Aussiedoodle sizes:

Age Toy

Aussiedoodle Size

Mini Aussiedoodle Size Standard Aussiedoodle Size
1 month 3 lbs 5 lbs 10 lbs
2 months 5 lbs 10 lbs 15 lbs
3 months 7 lbs 15 lbs 20 lbs
4 months 9 lbs 18 lbs 26 lbs
5 months 10.5 lbs 20 lbs 32 lbs
6 months 12 lbs 22 lbs 36 lbs
7 months 12lbs 24 lbs 40 lbs
8 months 13.5 lbs 25 lbs 43 lbs
9 months 14 lbs 26 lbs 45 lbs
10 months 14.5 lbs 27 lbs 46 lbs
11 months 15 lbs 28 lbs 47 lbs
12 months 16 lbs 28.5 lbs 48 lbs


Factors Affecting Growth Of Aussiedoodles

Aussiedoodle Full Grown
Aussiedoodle Full Grown

Several factors affect the size of an Aussiedoodle. They contain:

Health conditions
Good environment
Spaying and neutering


Purebreds have breed standards that let you know how big a dog will grow, but with a crossbreed like the Aussiedoodle, it can be hard to predict.

In Australian Shepherds and Poodles, males are usually larger than females of the same breed. Therefore, an Aussiedoodle will be larger if the father is a Poodle than if the mother is a Poodle.

This rule applies when breeding Australian Shepherds with Toy Poodles, Miniature Poodles or Standard Poodles.


The choice of puppy food can contribute to the final size of the Aussiedoodle. Puppy food is high in calories and your dog will grow faster than adult dog food.

If you feed them adult dog food when they are still young, they may lose essential nutrients and not reach their full potential size.

An Aussiedoodle will eat two to three cups of dry food per day. If your Aussiedoodle weighs 50 pounds, feed him 1,350 calories per day.

Dry food should be a mixture of high-quality, grain-free foods.It should contain protein, vegetables and meat. Avoid wheat as it can cause an allergic reaction in your dog.


Lack of exercise can stunt your Aussie Doodle’s growth. Be aware that vigorous exercise can damage the growth plates of the long bones and cause your puppy to grow abnormally.

Full-sized Occidoodles need 30 minutes to 2 hours of daily exercise.Since their parents are Australian Shepherds and Poodles, two very intelligent types of dogs, the Australian Doodle needs mental stimulation.

They get bored quickly and can be destructive. They are also excellent swimmers, so you can swim with them.


Always take your dog for regular check-ups to rule out any health issues that may be stunting his growth.

The most prominent health problem in Osidodal is dysplasia of the hip joint, which causes arthritis and joint pain. This problem can be solved with diet and exercise.

Poodles are susceptible to hereditary cataracts, which can be passed on to Aussiedoodles.If discovered early, it is treatable, but if left too long, it becomes incurable.

400;”> Australian Shepherds have more shades than poodles, so they are more diverse.

Aussiedoodles rarely come in full color, so it is rare to see a full-sized black Aussiedoodle or an adult brown Aussiedoodle. They will have at least 2 colors.

Good environment

The environment your Aussiedoodle lives in determines how healthy and large they grow.

Speak in a firm and soft voice, groom yourself regularly and keep the surrounding area clean.

Show them love and they will live stress-free. Stress can cause growth arrest in animals.

Spaying and neutering

The best time to spay or neuter an Aussiedoodle is after the growth plates of the growing skeletons have closed, which happens at 18 months.

When a dog is spayed or neutered, the male or female hormones are removed.However, these hormones are responsible for bone development and growth, and a puppy can end up with stunted growth if removed early.

What Does Grown Aussiedoodles Look Like?

Aussiedoodle Full Grown
Aussiedoodle Full Grown

Full-sized adult Aussiedoodles look fluffy. They resemble stuffed animals and their coats are medium in length and can be wavy due to their poodle parentage or smooth due to their Australian Shepherd parentage.

Although their fur is thick, underneath that coat is a tall, lean, athletic body. Their faces are alert and they can have blue eyes due to the Australian Shepherd gene.

400; Australian Shepherds have more colors than Poodles, so there are many differences.

Aussiedoodles rarely come in full color, so it is rare to see a full-sized black Aussiedoodle or an adult brown Aussiedoodle. They have at least 2 colors.

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So when does an Aussiedoodle stop growing?

Aussiedoodle Full Grown
Aussiedoodle Full Grown

Aussiedoodles reach their maximum height at one year but may continue to grow a bit more for a year as they gain girth and weight. You will probably have your fully grown Aussiedoodle around one to two years old.

Aussiedoodles grow fastest during the first half of their lives, usually during the first six months of puppyhood. At 12 months they reach 95% of their body weight and at two years they are considered fully grown.

Toy Aussiedoodles reach full growth in seven and a half to 11 months, while Mini and Medium Aussiedoodles reach full growth in 11 to 13 months.

Factors such as diet, environment, and hereditary diseases affect how big your dog will be.





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