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Table of Contents
Top 10 dog breeds for people with dog hair allergies

- Chinese Crested
- Bichon Frize (French lapdog)
- American Hairless Terrier (AGT)
- Yorkshire Terrier
- Miniature Schnauzer
- Jack Russell Terrier
- Wire-haired dachshund
- Drathaar
- Brussels griffon
- Shih Tzu
- How to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction
Read: Japanese dog breeds
1. Chinese crested
- Height at the withers: 28-33 cm for a dog and 23-30 cm for a bitch
- Weight: 3-6 kg
- Life expectancy: 12-14 years
The Chinese Crested is an indoor decorative dog for one owner. Considering it for a large family is not worth it. Crested do not need intense outdoor games or long walks. Therefore, they will become an excellent companion for an elderly person. He just needs to choose a breed type.
The Chinese Crested breed is divided into two subspecies – hairless and downy. Hairless dogs are born with smooth elastic skin and hair on the head, ears, and paws. Hairy – with a veil-like top coat without an undercoat.
For Dog Hair Allergies, Caring for a hairless species will be a little more complicated. The dog will have to be protected from heat and frost, dressed for a walk in warm clothes, and smeared with moisturizing lotions with UV filters for animals. At the same time, it is impossible to guarantee that the hairless look is safe for allergy sufferers. If the allergy is caused by proteins produced in the upper layer of the epidermis, this breed will not work.

2. Bichon Frize (French lapdog)
- Height at the withers: 23-30 cm for a dog and 23-28 cm for a bitch
- Weight: 3-5KG
- Life expectancy: 14-16 years
Bichon Frize (French lapdog) is the best breed for children. After all, the dog will be active and playful but at the same time devoid of aggression.

Bichons got into the rating of dogs for allergy sufferers due to the absence of pronounced moulting and a characteristic smell. Long, curly hair can be tricky to maintain, however.
The breed standard provides for only white colour. This means that the dog will constantly get dirty and need more frequent water treatments. At the same time, bichons need to be combed out regularly to prevent the formation of tangles, and to do a hygienic haircut on the legs and face. Otherwise, dust particles, plant seeds, and fungal spores will clog into the coat, and the risk of allergies in contact with your pet will increase.
3. American Hairless Terrier (AGT)
- Height at the withers: 25-46 cm for a dog and 25-46 cm for a bitch
- Weight: 5-7 kg
- Life expectancy: 14-16 years
The American Hairless Terrier is a direct descendant of the Rat Terrier, only without hair. The dense topcoat has degenerated as a result of a spontaneous genetic mutation. And since then, the breed has been bred not for hunting rats, but as dogs for allergy sufferers.
Interest in hairless terriers is due precisely to their hypoallergenicity. Scientists note that the manifestation of allergies when in contact with representatives of the breed is completely absent or is so weak that a dog is born even in families with children suffering from asthma.
The main difficulty in keeping a terrier is associated with an innate hunting instinct and incredible mobility. The dog is ready to play with the owner for days on end, but at the same time is prone to escape at the sight of a rodent or bird. Therefore, you will have to walk with your pet strictly on a leash, no matter how obedient he is at home.

4. Yorkshire Terrier
- Height at the withers: 18-20 cm for a dog and 23-28 cm for a bitch
- Weight: 3-4 kg
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years
Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular dog breeds suitable for people with allergies. Hypoallergenicity is due to the structure of the coat, which resembles human hair in its properties. Yorkies do not shed, do not suffer from dandruff, and have almost no smell. But to consider them completely safe is still a mistake.

Long hair is a bait for ticks and other allergy pathogens. Therefore, in a house where there are people with allergies, dogs will have to be regularly cut and water procedures.
For the rest, the content of Yorkies is considered to be non-troublesome. Representatives of the breed have a lively mind, courage, and curiosity inherent in terriers of larger breeds. Therefore, they are easy to learn, tolerate long journeys, and find an approach to both children and adults. The main thing is to pay as much attention to the dog as possible and not leave it alone for the whole day.
5. Miniature Schnauzer
- Height at the withers: 30-35 cm for a dog and 30-35 cm for a bitch
- Weight: 4-8 kg
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years
The Miniature Schnauzer is a smaller copy of the giant Giant Schnauzer. Therefore, it will appeal to those who dreamed of a natural service dog with high intelligence and susceptibility to training but could not start it because of its large size.
In addition, zwergs belong to the dog breeds recommended for allergy sufferers. After all, the pet has a hard coat that does not crumble during the molting period and is suitable for trimming (plucking).
The dog can be combed out in the autumn-spring season, leaving only a sparse top coat. It is enough to find a good groomer or purchase trimming knives and learn this technique independently.

6. Jack Russell Terrier
- Height at the withers: 25-30 cm for a dog and 25-30 cm for a bitch
- Weight: 5-6 kg
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years

Jack Russell Terrier is an inexhaustible source of energy and a loyal companion for the whole family. However, not everyone can cope with his character. The pet can constantly dodge in the legs, invite to play, and ask for a walk. At the same time, attempts to leave the house without him are fraught with damage to things and loud barking under the door.
A dog needs consistent education and constant human companionship. But if you are still ready to spend most of the day with your pet, pay attention to the wire-haired subspecies of the breed. It is suitable for people with allergies, without a doubt.
7. Wire-haired dachshund
- Height at the withers: 15-35 cm for a dog and 15-35 cm for a bitch
- Weight: 3.5-9 kg
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years
Dachshund is one of the few hunting breeds suitable for living in a city apartment. However, pedigree qualities are inherent even in those dogs brought up as ordinary pets.
Dachshunds are intelligent, active, and devoted to one owner. At the same time, they retain their natural stubbornness, perseverance, and individuality, characteristic of the dogs of the hunting group.
Please note: representatives of the Dachshund dog breed are presented in three sizes at once: standard, miniature, and rabbit. However, when choosing a dog for a person with allergies, the dimensions of the animal are not essential. It is essential to pay attention to the type of coat. Allergy sufferers are only suitable for the wire-haired type.

8. Drathaar (German Wire-haired Pointing Dog)
- Height at the withers: 61-68 cm for a dog and 57-64 cm for a bitch
- Weight: 20-32 kg
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years
Drathaar (German Wire-haired Pointing Dog) is a large dog for the field and swamp-meadow game hunters. Therefore, it is suitable only for those who are ready to spend a lot of time with her in nature and arrange long walks with hunting skills.

It is better to start a drathaar in a private house with a large adjoining territory. Moreover, it is unnecessary to let the pet into the living space. The dog can live right in the yard under a large canopy and sleep in a warmed kennel. Therefore, the risk of allergy to wool will remain minimal. After all, direct contact with the animal will only be in the fresh air.
However, representatives of the breed do not shed. But so that the dense, thick wool does not cause allergies, the dogs need to be trimmed (plucked) on time and wiped with a long beard after feeding so that microbes do not accumulate in it.
9. Brussels Griffon
- Height at the withers: 18-20 cm for a dog and 18-20 cm for a bitch
- Weight: 3-6 kg
- Life expectancy: 12-15 years
The Brussels Griffon, in all appearance, resembles a decorative sofa dog that rarely leaves the house and serves only as its decoration. However, the pet leads an active lifestyle and needs frequent walks in reality.
It is difficult to travel with the Griffon by plane due to the short muzzle and the peculiarities of the nasopharynx. But otherwise, it is the owner’s constant companion, ready to accompany him on a jog in the park and at a meeting with friends in a trendy cafe. In this case, the breed is recognized as conditionally hypoallergenic—especially representatives with a hard coat.

10. Shih Tzu
- Height at the withers: 20-28 cm for a dog and 20-28 cm for a bitch
- Weight: 4-8 kg
- Life expectancy: 12-16 years

The Shih Tzu is an exotic breed with a long flowing coat that requires daily brushing and animal anti-static treatment. Therefore, the statement that a dog is suitable for people with allergy attacks seems subtle but by no means baseless.
Due to their character and natural restraint, the Shih Tzu breed representatives tolerate grooming procedures without any resistance. Therefore, it will be relatively easy to maintain hygiene. At the same time, the dog almost does not shed and does not emit a specific smell. In this case, the wool can be cut short and take the pet for a walk only in clear dry weather. After all, Shih Tzu is inactive and has almost no interest in the street.
Instruction to the owner “How to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.”
- Keep your hands away from your face and mucous membranes. Do not touch your face as soon as you pet the dog.
- Do regular wet cleaning. Dust all over the house, paying particular attention to hard-to-reach areas and the room the dog sleeps.
- Maintain optimal indoor humidity. Place bowls of water around the house, or buy a humidifier and air purifier. It will help with allergies to dust and animal hair.
- Limit access to the bedroom. Please do not allow your dog to sleep in the same room with you, let alone the same bed, no matter how clean his coat maybe.
- Discard carpets. Take all mats out of the house. They accumulate dust and allergens.
- Wash your dog more often. Regular water treatments can help eliminate odour, dirt, and excess sebum – the primary sources of animal allergies.
- Parasite infestation increases the production of allergens in the top layer of the dog’s skin. Stick to a pest control schedule. Treat dogs for fleas, ticks, and worms following the instructions for the selected preparation.